What we do: 

Business analytics using Power BI.

Mobile first front end web development.

Help clients in using their current devices to flow better with getting their work done, by following the GTD method.

Current Side Projects: 

R Dashboard: Using R and Google Analytics API to design a dashboard to provide useful information on content production’s impact to our goods and services.

Front-end:: Managing the front end of Howtostartanllc.com and Startupsavant.com, both are large scale platforms for helping entrepreneurs start their own businesses.

Business Analytics:: We use the Power Platform of Microsoft to create easily interactive and informative reports to assess the overall health of the analytics. An example of the software being used is for the book report down the page. It’s connected to a database that’s constantly being updated once it has been setup.


Books for 2022:

Enjoy this interactive chart. Click the arrow on the bottom of the chart for more charts, and for better view, maximize the graph by clicking the expand on the lower right icon.

To look at my previous year data: